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(1)2022-01 至 今, 亚搏手机登录页面, 亚搏手机登录页面, 教授

(2)2016-01 至 2021-12, 亚搏手机登录页面, 亚搏手机登录页面, 副教授

(3)2019-09 至 2020-08, 英国Loughborough大学, 亚搏手机登录页面

(4)2012-07 至 2015-12, 亚搏手机登录页面, 亚搏手机登录页面, 讲师













[1] X.G. Geng, L.H. Wu, G.L. He, Algebro-geometric constructions of the modified

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[2] X.G. Geng, L.H. Wu, G.L. He, Quasi-periodic solutions of nonlinear evolution

equations associated with a 3×3 matrix spectral problem, Stud. Appl. Math. 2011, 127: 107-140.

[3] L.H. Wu, G.L. He, X.G. Geng, Algebro-geometric solutions to the modified

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[4] X.G. Geng, L.H. Wu, G.L. He, Quasi-periodic solutions of the Kaup–Kupershmidt

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[5] L.H. Wu, G.L. He, X.G. Geng, Quasi-periodic solutions to the two-component

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[6] G.L. He, X.G. Geng, L.H. Wu, Algebro-geometric quasi-periodic solutions to the

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[7] L.H. Wu, X.G. Geng, J.S. Zhang, Algebro-geometric solution to the Bullough-Dodd

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[8] L.H. Wu, G.L. He, X.G. Geng, A note on the quasi-periodic solutions of the modified

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[9] L.H. Wu, X.G. Geng, G.L. He, Algebro-geometric solutions to the Manakov hierarchy,

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[10] X.G. Geng, G.L. He, L.H. Wu, Riemann theta function solutions of the Caudrey-

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[11] A.P. Veselov, L.H. Wu, Geodesic scattering on hyperboloids and Knörer’ map,

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[12] L.H. Wu, G.L. He, Quasi-periodic solutions of an extended MKdV hierarchy, Theor.

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[13] N.H. Li and L.H. Wu, Reciprocal transformations of generalized negative flows in

integrable hierarchies, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 2022, 55: 435201.

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