报告题目:Liouville's Theorem Revisited
美国Emory University
报告摘要:One version of the classical Liouville Theorem states that any conformal
map of the complex plane onto itself is a linear map. In this talk, we
will explore various extensions and generalizations of this celebrated
classical result. It will lead to the notion of quasiconformality in a
metric space setting and the rigidity of solutions of the Cauchy-Riemann
system in the Euclidean space.
杨善双教授现为美国Emory University数学与计算科学系教授,博导,美国密基根大学博士,是复分析大师F.W. Gehring的学生。杨教授研究领域广泛,在拟共形映照理论与应用,复分析,复动力系统理论,位势理论,共形几何论等领域都有优秀成果,在国外包括J.Anal.Math, Ann. Acad. Fenn.Sci. Math. Trans. Ameri. Math. Soc等重要复分析期刊发表学术SCI论文30多篇,完成多项重要研究,获得多项学术奖项,是复分析领域的知名教授。个人成果和工作简历详见附件vita_Yangshanshuang.pdf。杨教授还对美国本科教育与教学有深入研究,长期给Emory大学的学生开设包括实分析、复分析、微积分,偏微分方程,几何函数论等基础数学课程和数学应用课程,积累丰富的教学经验,在教学方面获得多项荣誉和奖项,对教学理念和学生就业指导具有独到见解。